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A collaborative education allows for a unique collaboration between the parents and classroom teacher. By utilizing a “hybrid” or “university model” schedule, PCA combines the best elements of private school with homeschooling. Parents have the ultimate responsibility for instructing their children, and the school exists to partner with the family in academic disciplines. Children are with a trained, professional teacher in a classroom setting 2+ days a week.
The parents are considered “co-teachers” because they share responsibility for instruction with the professional, on-campus teacher who provides classroom instruction and take-home assignments. Yet, parents do not need formal teaching experience to flourish as co-teachers. PCA will provide training seminars and resources to equip parents as co-teachers.
Sample Weekly Schedule
Monday: At-home school day
Tuesday: On-campus school day
Wednesday: At-home school day
Thursday: On-campus school day
Friday: Optional on-campus fine arts electives (half-day)
Home Day Time Expectations
The following are estimates for how much time will be needed on the home day to complete assignments. These numbers are simply a framework, and could certainly vary based on your child.
Pre-K: home assignments are optional.
Kindergarten: 1-2 hours (2 home days per week)
1st grade: 2-3 hours (2 home days per week)
2nd grade: 2-4 hours (2 home days per week)
3rd grade: 3-4 hours (2 home days per week)
4th grade: 3-5 hours (2 home days per week)
5th grade and up: 5+ hours
Benefits of Collaborative Education
PCA makes core curriculum choices, but families can supplement as often and as much as desired.
Education is both individualized and classroom oriented. Students receive the benefits of one-on-one tutoring at home and classroom learning on-campus.
Classrooms have a smaller teacher:student ratio (approx. 1:10 or less)
Lower cost. Tuition is lower than a five-days-per-week private school.
Provides a smooth transition to college, based on the number of hours of on campus per week and the emphasis on time management and responsibility.
The Growth of “Hybrid” Education
While the model is relatively new to New England, hundreds of schools across the U.S. are successfully using it. Many of these schools affiliate with one another through the National Association of University-Model® Schools,[2] the Classical Latin School Association,[3] or other organizations and accrediting bodies. PCA will be seeking to associate with one or more like-minded associations for the purposes of teacher training, resources, and development.
What “Hybrid” Education Is Not
The collaborative model shares several features with other educational options, so it is naturally confused with those options. Therefore, it may be helpful to distinguish what it isn’t:
Part-Time School. Although students sit under classroom teachers twice a week, education occurs five days per week using a unified curriculum and plan. Some days are on campus, and some days are at home.
Homeschool Group or Co-op. Though we celebrate the tremendous success of the homeschooling movement and of classical homeschooling options, collaborative education is something different: a comprehensive, unified curriculum under the co-teaching of PCA teachers and parents.
Professional Tutoring. Tutoring is specific to one subject or area. By contrast, a collaborative school functions from a holistic paradigm of education that seeks to shape students in every area of learning.
Traditional Private School. Though we will work in a spirit of partnership with private schools throughout our community, collaborative education is different – and requires a larger commitment of time and effort from parents in the direct education of their students.
Resources on “Hybrid” Education
For another example of the benefits of the University Model®, see the explanation given from a similar school, in particular the chart towards the bottom.
In one study, University Model® students “averaged equally high or higher scores than traditional, comprehensive Christian school seniors on all three common standardized exams.”